Reflection on the AP Biology Exam

It is so crazy to think that this year is already over! Though not at the very end, the AP exam was a somewhat anticlimactic ending to a year of content. I remember last year, taking AP exams for the first time, I was very nervous and didn’t know what to expect. This year, thingsContinue reading “Reflection on the AP Biology Exam”

Exploring By the Seat of Your Pants – Alizé Carrére

Our class recently was able to participate in yet another Exploring By the Seat of Your Pants talk, this time by National Geographic Explorer Alizé Carrére. Alizé is such a fascinating person, and this talk is one I am not soon to forget. Leading up to this presentation, we were able to watch the videoContinue reading “Exploring By the Seat of Your Pants – Alizé Carrére”

You Will Always Smell Like Fish (and other reasons to be a marine ecologist)

This week, we were lucky enough to join another talk from Exploring By the Seat of Your Pants. This time, we heard Erin Spencer, a marine ecologist, talk all about the work she has done with Red Snapper and Hammerhead sharks. Before this talk, If you had asked me what a marine ecologist does, IContinue reading “You Will Always Smell Like Fish (and other reasons to be a marine ecologist)”

Cracking Your Genetic Code Reflection

Over the past few weeks, we have been tasked with watching and taking notes on the PBS documentary Cracking Your Genetic Code. Genetics are a fascinating topic, and watching this documentary was an amazing way for me to connect all the things that we have been learning this year with knowledge I have gained throughoutContinue reading “Cracking Your Genetic Code Reflection”

Strawberry DNA Extraction

For part of our first semester final, we were separated into groups to preform a DNA extraction on a strawberry. We couldn’t all do the experiment together, but we each recorded ourselves and pieced together our individual videos to make a completed product. Though the experiment was done beforehand, the voiceovers and video assembly wasContinue reading “Strawberry DNA Extraction”

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