
About Me!

Dear Future Team AP Bio

As I wrap up my year in AP Bio and my high school career, I want to thank everyone who helped me along the way, and hopefully impart some helpful advice to the newest AP Bio team. I hope you find this video helpful, and have a great year in AP Bio!!

Website Reflection

This is it! It is astounding to think that all of the work I have been done this year can be fit into one website, but here it is! I never thought I would be able to create a website such as this one, with blogs, slide decks, and so many other pieces of content and reflection its crazy, but I did, and I am very proud of what I have created.

Scrolling through my pages and posts, I am very proud of the work that I have created. There were some challenges, for sure, but I was able to overcome them all and create a beautiful site. This is a website that I know I can use in reference to my work ethic and the work that I do in the future. I am planning to follow the pre-med track and eventually go to medical school, so I know that a lot of the information that we learned this year will be important to me in the future. I hope that I can look back at this site, and be proud of the work I accomplished, and see how far I’ve come.

2 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Abby! From your website, I can tell you how passionate you are about science. I loved some of your titles (such as “You will always smell like fish”) because it really catches your audience’s eyes to read about what you guys are doing in class. I really enjoyed your “Fetal Pig Dissection” blog post because you were able to bring in both perspectives and were able to connect it to the fetal pig dissection that you did last year in your Anatomy and Physiology class. Overall, I thought that your website was really informative and really professional-looking. Good job 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Abby, thank you for spending two years of your NDB journey learning with me! It feels like Honors Bio was just yesterday and now you are an NDB graduate. Congratulations! I am so grateful to you for your curiosity and passion for learning. Thank you for your willingness to ask questions and provide responses all year while in Zoom. Having you in the classroom in person was even more awesome! This certainly has been a year filled with challenges and you have overcome every one of them. I love looking through your entire site and seeing how much you have learned. Thank you for providing such excellent advice to future teammates. I can’t wait to hear about your continued success and adventures in college and beyond! (As a memory for you, here is your senior quote – Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.)


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