Semester 1 Reflection

Semester one flew by. We learned so much throughout the course, covering 4 seasons worth of content ranging across all topics. From biochemistry to cell signaling, and learning how to persevere over any tech gremlins that we may face, there was never a dull moment.

One assignment that we have been working on developing throughout this entire year is our digital portfolios. These websites are our spaces to chronicle our AP bio journey, and leave a record of everything we have learned to share with others. For me personally, the hardest part about designing and updating my portfolio has been figuring out how to use WordPress. WordPress is a very thorough, high quality tool, meaning that it takes some getting used to before being able to manipulate it easily. Once I figured it out however, I could start focusing on what really matters, creating high quality visuals and blog posts.

Using online tools such as WeVideo, Canva, and Google Slides, we spent this semester finding creative, ways to display our learning. Mrs. Girard worked hard to find exciting ways for us to learn content, including videos, guest speakers, and both virtual and at-home lab experiments. One of my favorite assignments was the Exploring By the Seat of Your Pants presentation by Dr. Watts. This was a virtual speaker session, where we were able to listen to Dr. Watts speak about Covid-19 and the ongoing search to find a vaccine. We were lucky enough to attend this talk just after the first round of efficacy results were announced, and Dr. Watts was super helpful in breaking down what that meant, and the pros and cons of each vaccine.

Though the session with Dr. Watts was exciting, there were many things that I enjoyed learning that were done within our own class. Some of my favorite activities were the Lab Olympics, CDQ videos, foldscope explorations, and various explore learning assignments, but one assignment that I felt resulted in a really high quality, exciting project was done at the very beginning of the year during season 2. While learning about the life cycles, structures, and functions of viruses, we were assigned partners, and got to create an infographic on a virus of our choice. My partner and I chose West Nile virus. This assignment was both my first time creating an infographic like this and my first time researching West Nile virus. I really enjoyed this assignment, and hope to create more infographics in the future.

Between fighting tech gremlins, trying to figure out how to stay connected over zoom, and somehow managing to come out of it all with a greater understanding of how the word works, this semester is one I will never forget. It is crazy to think that I am already halfway done with my AP Bio journey, but I cannot wait to see what the next semester will bring.

4 thoughts on “Semester 1 Reflection

  1. This was such an insightful reflection! I learned a lot about your experience during the first semester of AP Biology. I love how you included buttons to take the reader to different parts of your website. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ella, such an engaging post! I love how you provided links and images for your audience to learn more. Isn’t it crazy to look back and see how much you have accomplished! I am really looking forward to what you will do this semester. Thank you for being such a dedicated student and teammate!


  3. This is a very thoughtful reflection! It is interesting to learn about your experiences from the lense of a blog post, rather than a conversation over the dinner table. I am excited to keep learning about your AP Bio journey throughout the second semester through this type of post.


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